Python Distro Module: Installation and Advanced Examples Guide

Python Distro Module

The Distro module is a powerful Python library that provides a simple way to retrieve information about the Linux distribution that is currently running. It is an essential tool for developers and system administrators who need to adapt their applications based on the operating system environment. This module is compatible with Python 3.6 and above and is widely used for providing context in multi-platform applications and scripts.

With the Distro module, you can easily obtain details like the name of the distribution, its version, and other relevant metadata. This facilitates dynamic decision-making in scripts, ensuring that they can behave differently depending on the environment they are executed in.

Application Scenarios

The Distro module is versatile and can be employed across several scenarios, including system monitoring, configuration management, and automated scripts. Here are some common use cases:

  1. System Monitoring: Implementing scripts that check system information and perform actions based on the Linux environment.
  2. Deployment Automation: Adjusting installation scripts dynamically based on the detected operating system version.
  3. Configuration Management: Crafting scripts that behave differently depending on the OS flavor, ensuring compatibility and efficiency.

Installation Instructions

The Distro module is not included in Python’s standard library, but it can be easily installed using pip. To install the Distro module, simply run:

pip install distro

This command fetches the latest version of the Distro module from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and installs it in your Python environment.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Retrieve Distribution Name and Version

import distro  # Importing the Distro module

# Getting the name of the Linux distribution
dist_name =
print(f"Operating System: {dist_name}") # Outputting the name of the OS

# Getting the version of the Linux distribution
dist_version = distro.version()
print(f"Version: {dist_version}") # Outputting the version of the OS

In this example, we retrieve and print the name and version of the Linux distribution currently running. It provides a simple way to gather essential information about the operating system.

Example 2: Check if Running on Ubuntu

import distro  # Importing the Distro module

# Checking if the operating system is Ubuntu
if == "Ubuntu":
print("You are running Ubuntu!") # Output message specific to Ubuntu
print("This is not Ubuntu.") # Output message for other distributions

Here, we check the current operating system and provide a message indicating if the user is on Ubuntu. This can be useful for handling specific configurations or commands based on the distribution.

Example 3: Get Detailed Distribution Information

import distro  # Importing the Distro module

# Fetching detailed information about the OS
dist_info = distro.linux_distribution()
print(f"Linux Distribution Info: {dist_info}") # Outputting detailed distribution info

In this example, we utilize the linux_distribution() function to obtain more comprehensive information about the Linux OS. This can aid in scenarios where more context about the environment is required for appropriate actions.

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